Transcending Causality, Abiding as the Truth Self
Divine Truth is a Consciousness transcending the Causality and abiding as the Truth Self.
The light of Full Consciousness is now shining clearly like a Diamond or a Crystal, and the Absolute Self is visible, but also the seed of the Mind is visible too.
It is the famous I-Thought that is visible, as named by India's greatest sage, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. The seed of the Mind and the creation of the Universe is seen, and thus a continuous abiding in the Absolute Self is necessary for the final elimination of the seed of Mind.
What happens during the 11th Initiation?
• The light of Full Consciousness is now shining clearly like a diamond or a crystal as the Absolute Self becomes visible, along with the seed of the mind
• Divine Truth means beyond causality, transcending all remaining conditions
• Feels much more open than the Great Void & Divine Love and much lighter too
• Here, the famous I-Thought becomes visible, coined by the greatest sage of India, Sri Ramana Maharshi
• The I-Thought or I-Feeling is a very persistent and deceptive mechanism of self-preservation
• It causes self-contraction and inner tension, thus narrowing the ocean of Full Consciousness down into a limited stream of separate consciousness
• The I-Thought or the I-Feeling needs to be isolated from all other thoughts and eventually eliminated by continuously abiding in the Heart on the Right, known as the Amrita Nadi