Oneness & Unity Consciousness Opening
Unity Consciousness is an evident, strong feeling and connection with the planet you live on. The degree of openness and sensitivity allows you to perceive that you are One with this conscious being, the planet, and you become aware that all living beings on this planet, including nature, animals, and the atmosphere, have a direct connection. The feeling is of a Unified connection, and you live in Oneness and the flow of energy. The heart grows more as your connection keeps expanding and encompassing the planet until the feeling of Separation merges into Oneness and Completion.
Inner Light, Inner Wisdom, Inner Love, and Unity Consciousness are the states of consciousness where 95% of all spiritually awakened people reside, including Yoga/Meditation Teachers, Healers, Light Workers, Channelers, etc., because the next step of Presence Consciousness is more advanced and usually quite challenging to open up. In Presence, there is no more person. It is a complete surrender of the spiritual ego-self to Presence's space/energy field. It is a dis-identification from energy.” Therefore, opening to Presence usually happens with direct guidance and a transmission from a spiritual teacher on a Higher Level of Initiation.
What happens during the 5th Initiation?
• A strong feeling of oneness.
• A sense that all is connected.
• Inner completion.
• Natural Joy from within.
• Level of spiritual healers, light workers, and teachers.
• Love becomes more unconditional.
• Cultivation of compassion (Love with wisdom).
• Overcoming the pain of separation.
• Integrates with the Divine Will of Planetary Consciousness.
• Expanded feeling of responsibility for others.
• Unity Consciousness has a big positive effect on others.