Tao Healing
Certified Universal Healing Tao

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Lyonne Sundari is a therapist in advanced energy healing. During this session, we clear any stagnant energies from energy channels, energy centres and organs, to create a better flow. Balancing and aligning energies overall.
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Recycling and Transforming Negative Energy
An Ancient Chinese Exercise Regimen for Nourishing Life
For Fitness, Increased Vitality, Inner Peace, Good Health, and Longevity. A way of dealing with stress is to perform the Six Healing Sounds. When Taoists confront negative emotional energy, rather than seeking to destroy it or dump it out, they use techniques to transform negative, anti-life, into positive, loving, healing energy. The primary methods employed are The Inner Smile and the Six Healing Sounds.
Negative emotions are stored in the body`s organs. Over time, the negativity accumulation erodes the organ's health and affects the persons' disposition. The Six Healing Sounds work to transform the negative energy stored in the organs and transform them into healing light. That works better than holding onto negativity or dumping it out onto someone else because such emotional venting only serves to pass an emotional virus onto another and, via the law of karma, eventually that same negativity will be revisited upon the person who sent it out in the first place.
When negative emotional energy is transmuted, it can then be circulated through the Microcosmic Orbit to send healing energy throughout the body. The Six Healing Sounds can easily be transformed into refreshing vital force.

The Five Elements
In Asian culture, there is a strong focus placed on a balance. As energy flows in one direction, it ebbs in another. The interactions and relationships within the universe are only harmonious when kept in balance. The Five Elements Theory is a Chinese philosophy used as the basis for everything from medicine, martial arts, and more. The five elements -- earth, metal, wood, fire, and water -- are believed to be the universe's fundamental roots, between which interactions occur.
Each Chinese element has its characteristics and associations, and each plays a crucial role in the balance of the universe. No element is more important than another, and each has its defined strengths and weaknesses. According to the Five Elements Theory, all things arise from and return to the universe and are composed of them. This is why understanding our connection to them is essential.
Understanding the Chinese Elements Cycle
Each of the five elements stands independently; however, each influence and molds the others. The world's interactions are determined by the Chinese elements creating and destroying each other. The process of creation promotes development, while the process of destruction restrains this development. The two are complementary processes and create a harmonious stillness when balanced. For example:
• Water feeds Wood
• Wood fuels Fire
• Fire makes Earth (ash)
• Earth produces Metal
• Metal carries Water
• Wood separates the Earth (i.e. roots)
• Earth absorbs Water
• Water smothers Fire
• Fire melts Metal
• Metal penetrates Wood